Sunday, March 15, 2009

Introduction of wind

We've used the wind as an energy source for a long time.The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing boats were around long before that.Wind power was used in the Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind corn, which is where the term "windmill" comes from.

You Can Build A Wind Generator

You are here because you are probably trying to decide if you can learn how to build a wind generator yourself.
Are you wondering...
How much will a homemade wind generator cost?
Can we get reliable, easy to follow wind generator plans?
How long will it take to build a wind generator?
Are home made wind generators comparable to store bought models?
Are the parts to build a wind generator easy to find?
The simple answer to all of your questions is – ‘You can build a 1000 watt homemade wind generator for under $100 (including the wind generator plans ! ) in about 2 weekends and all of the parts are readily available and quickly obtained.’
The main problem for our family was that it was just too expensive for us to buy enough solar panels or wind generators to power our off grid home. Who wants to break the bank? Not us.. We've been there and have a solution for you.
Where do I find the plans? Our family, over the past 15 years have scoured every source possible and we have read every book and seen every set of plans out there… we have tested and retested and we now can finally bring those plans to you.
Here, watch this video of us testing one of our wind generators.

The World’s Largest Wind Power Company by Installed Capacity

IBERDROLA RENOVABLES is a world leader of its sector. Boasting the largest base of operational renewable assets (over 9,300 MW) and the largest portfolio of future projects in the world (over 55,000 MW*), the company has consolidated its leadership position at the head of the worldwide wind energy sector** with nearly 9,000 MW of installed power, at the end of 2008.
Furthermore, the Company has achieved production of 16,998 million Kilowatt hours (kWh), representing an increase of 71.1% over 2007.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES is a multinational company, operating in more 20 countries including the world markets with the greatest growth and development potential in this sector. The Company, one of the 10 leading firms in stock value of the Ibex-35, has become the fastest growing element of the IBERDROLA Group.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES business model is sufficiently flexible to enable it to adapt to fluctuating economic scenarios. It has the largest project pipeline in the sector, encompassing a geographically diversified. Its wind turbine supply contracts are scalable, enabling it to adapt its investment plan by optimizing its project portfolio.
The Company operates in markets with stable regulatory environments, with the bulk of revenue assured through long term contracts.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES competitive advantages, including geographic diversification, flexible wind turbine supply arrangements, a significant project pipeline and its financial strength, give it the ability to adapt investments should circumstances warrant, at all times maintaining its commitment to.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES enjoys the support of IBERDROLA, one of the four largest electric companies in the world, who has made the Environment and sustainable development the key pillars of its future business strategy.
* Source: New Energy Finance.
** Includes a contribution of 10GW from Gamesa to joint venture companies following the strategic agreement between IBERDROLA RENOVABLES and Gamesa Energía.

Japan Wind Power Project Threatened

Eurus Energy Holdings Corp., Japan's biggest wind power supplier, may scrap a plan to build turbines in the north of the country after the regional utility said it will cut purchases of wind-generated power because supply is unreliable. The project for Hokkaido island would not be profitable under a power purchase plan offered by Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Eurus Energy President Kiyoshi Haraikawa said in an interview on Aug. 22. Hokkaido Electric in June told wind power companies bidding to supply the utility that it wants to buy 25 percent less electricity than offered

Olympic Wind Turbine for London 2012

The company constructing the Olympic Games site plans to build a wind turbine which would provide enough energy to power about 1,200 homes for a year, it was announced today. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) said the 120-metre tall turbine, which will have a lifespan of about 20 years, will be used to power local amenities including street lighting and housing in the Olympic Park area after London 2012. The turbine, which will cost about £2 million to build and install and has 40-metre-long blades, will be located at Eton Manor in the north of the Olympic Park site in east London

Wind Turbine Concept Inspired by Jet Engines

According to a recent article from Greentech Media, a Massachusetts aerospace company called FloDesign is working on a wind turbine concept that could potentially be at least twice as efficient as traditional rotor blade turbines, which force air around them instead of through them. It works by channeling wind into a vortex that spins the blades and generates electricity. The company hopes to have a working prototype completed by the end of 2009. Unfortunately their website at is not currently functional, but the following video gives a great overview and technical details

Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Norwegian company StatoilHydro is working on a 2.3 megawatt floating wind turbine that will be attached to the top of 'Spar-buoy' and moored to the seabed by three anchor points. It is hoped that the 80 meter diameter, 65 meter high Siemens turbine will have lower deep-water installation costs when compared to traditional wind installations. The company plans to have the first prototype ready by fall of 2009, when they will begin feasibility tests to assess how it stands up to high winds. A 3 meter high scale model has already been tested in a wave tank simulator.

Aeroturbine - Next Generation Wind Energy

Right now wind energy is only being harnessed in the windy regions of the earth. Installation of wind energy on individual basis is unpopular because of production and cost inefficiency. Noise pollution and birds getting killed are also not quite attractive side-effects of the windmills. We can’t even imagine of installing windmills on high rise buildings due to their size and cost

Texas Approves New Wind Power Project

Much solar and wind power are generated far away from the real consumers. It’s a great problem to transport the generated power to its genuine users because vast amount of wind and solar resources are located in remote areas. Legislatures are paying attention to the time-consuming and somewhat costly process of building and upgrading transmission lines so that clean energy can be accessible by the consumers in populated areas. The Texas Legislature in 2005 directed the PUC to identify the most productive wind zones in the states and devise a plan to move power generated from these zones to the most populated areas in Texas

Mariah Power - Low Cost Wind Energy

Wind energy is 'sustainable energy', just like solar energy and water power. We already know the benefits of wind energy and why we should opt for it. But currently manufacturers are concentrating on the drawbacks of the wind energy and trying to eliminate or minimize those shortcomings. For example turbines are noisy and this sound nuisance can be a problem for the residents of the areas. Wind turbines are unsafe for birds too. Birds can be injured or die if they are caught up in the wings of the turbines. Turbines might annoy you due to horizon pollution i.e. they might meddle with your aesthetic sense

U.S. Leads World in Wind Energy

The United States has taken over from previous champion Germany in wind power production. For this USA has to be thankful to nature and human resource that produce technology. Nature has gifted USA with stronger wind than Germany. Randall Swisher, the executive director of the American Wind Energy Association, said that the US wind energy capacity is growing faster than anyplace else. But if we try to view those stats differently, Germany harnesses seven percent of their power from wind and Denmark generates twenty percent of power from wind. Wind energy only constitutes 1.2% of total power consumption in America

GE Invests in Acciona’s Dakotan Wind Farm

GE Energy Financial Services, an investor in energy and water industries and a business unit of General Electric Company (NYSE:GE), is investing $141 million into a wind farm. This wind farm is owned by a Spanish renewable energy developer and wind turbine manufacturer named Acciona. This Tatanka Wind Farm, on the North Dakota-South Dakota border, will power 60,000 homes. It is estimated that this $141-million-wind-farm will generate 180-megawatts of electricity. GE recently crossed the $4 billion mark with a $100 million investment in three wind farms in New York

Protecting Wind Generators During Voltage Dips

Wind turbines experience problem due to sudden drop in voltage in a portion of the electric grid. Industrial engineer and member of INGEPER Research Team at the Public University of Navarre, Jesús López Taberna is trying to tackle this problem. His team has come out with a rotor model which predicts how the wind power units will behave under these circumstances. Mr López has already patented two techniques and one of which is already with a manufacturer who will utilize it internationally. They have designed generator turbines in such a way that when voltage dips occur, generators continue to function uninterrupted

Wind Turbine Noise Solutions

Wind energy is clean energy but not without its usual baggage. Their noise disturbs those who reside in the close proximity with a wind farm. Many a time wind turbines are forced to operate under partial load so that residents and wind farms can exist in peaceful co-existence. But operating under partial load means lower energy production. Even high winds go unutilized in residential areas. The sources of the noises are many. First is the motion of the rotor blades and another is the cogwheels. Cogwheels generate noise in the gearboxes. These are transported to the tower of the wind turbine, where they are emitted across a wide area -- and what the residents hear is a humming noise. This noise comes out as if mosquitoes are buzzing constantly.

Wind Energy From Ocean Surface

When we talk about wind energy, we don’t specifically mention ocean winds. But global satellite maps from NASA promise a new hope. Nearly a decade of data from NASA’s QuikSCAT satellite gives us hope that we can harness ocean’s wind for energy generation. These maps can help in locating and planning the offshore wind farms for producing electric energy

Plan for Biggest Wind Turbines in the UK

Wind energy has a formidable place in the field of alternative energy but critics always worry about the preservation of bio-diversity and farm birds. It is always a priority for the wind energy producers to keep in mind the comforts of the human and bird population. When plans were announced that UK will built the tallest wind turbines in the country the Npower Renewables tried to tackle the issue of biodiversity to alley the fears of environmentalists. Though they propose a plan of placing 65 turbines on nearly 5,000 acres (2,000ha) of hillside near Llanbrynmair in Powys they are tackling the issue of ecosystem too. Each turbine would be 137m (449ft) high.

Breakthrough In Small Wind Technology

The main work of wind turbines is to utilize the energy of wind and convert it into electricity; stronger wind is considered good for electricity production. But the speed of wind should not be too strong because it makes turbines spin too fast and in this process it commits suicide! Why is it so? Because turbine blades get ripped off by stronger winds – excessive heat damages the alternator. Turbine tower too can't remain unaffected by the strong wind. To prevent all this damage a mechanical breaking system furling is generally used. This method prevents wind turbine from spinning too quickly by turning the blades away from the direction of the wind. Furling can be manual or automatic with same goal i.e. turning the turbine blade edges into the wind when the wind is dangerously strong and stormy

Running a Car on Wind Energy

A new power packed performance super car has been designed in California that can run at the speed of 155 mph without conventional fuel. For startup this car will use solar powered battery but later draw its energy from circulating air. An advanced alternating current induction motor will glide the Formula AE. This motor will have a power output of 212 kilowatts. Rory Handel and Maxx Bricklinas from Beverly Hills, California are responsible for the design of the sleek motor of the car, and they are hoping that the prototype would be completed in August.

Robot Ranchers Could Maintain Future Wind Farms

We all know that the need of the hour is alternative energy so that future generations can still breathe fresh air and have enough energy for their industrial purposes and domestic use. Many states and countries are promoting wind energy as a clean and green energy. We all know the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy. No doubt harvesting wind for energy purposes is a good move but maintenance of wind farms has its share of headaches. Wind turbine generators already mark the horizon for miles in every direction in many parts of the world. But maintenance of the windmills has been a strenuous task for human technicians. Rotor blade damage is a routine but irritating problem that demands many hours of maintenance

03Mar Artificial Trees to Harness Solar and Wind Energy

If you think planting trees is going to save the planet from global warming, you're thinking in the right direction but a problem — we may call it a problem due to the situation we have gotten ourselves in — with mother nature is it takes its own good time to show results. It doesn't mean that we should stop planting new trees and stop all efforts at forestation. Everything artificial doesn't have to be bad for Earth; a London based company called Solar Botanic intends to use Energy Harvesting Trees to generate solar as well as wind energy. The solution is unique in a sense that the same installation can use two alternative energy sources to produce clean electricity

Spain Sets Wind Power Generation Record

By generating 40% of the energy required by wind Spain set a world record last week. When high winds blew through north-west Spain on Thursday, a massive 11,180 MW was generated. Of course the wind energy farms were helped by one of the strongest spells of fierce winds experienced by the region recently.

Small Wind Farm Ready to Generate Power

While very small wind energy projects are not normally viable due to the cost and effort involved, a small wind farm in the Clay County could easily start generating power as early as 2010. If this project, called The Romar wind project, starts generating power successfully it will certainly trigger a trend

wind turbine wiring diagram

Wind power is produced by using wind generators to harness the kinetic energy of wind. It is gaining worldwide popularity as a large scale energy source, although it still only provides less than one percent of global energy consumption. The articles listed below explore wind power and its usage around the world.

welcome to navitas energy

Navitas Energy, Inc. is a leading commercial wind power developer, dedicated to providing customers with low cost, high quality, reliable wind power generation.
Navitas Energy generates a cleaner environment with each wind farm that we build. We sell wind energy to electric utilities, co-ops and municipals who want to give their customers the "power to choose ... a cleaner environment." Investing in wind energy ensures a cleaner future for us all and will pay dividends in clean air for future generations.
Nativas Energy does not manufacture wind turbines, or develop small wind projects for home, schools or small business. The American Wind Energy Association's website provides excellent information about turbine manufacturers and small wind projects. Please visit them at:

About WINDPOWER 2009

WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world featuring over 13,000 attendees and over 1000 exhibitors.
Each year, wind energy professionals gather at this event to learn about the latest industry developments and technologies, review new products and services in the expansive exhibit hall, and network with leading industry decision makers.
Join us for what promises to be another exciting event taking place May 4th - 7th, 2009, at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.
Click Here to download a summary one-pager about WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition.

urban green energy

UGE WindTurbines is Urban Green Energy's division that supplies MW class wind turbines to customers around the world. In today's market for large wind turbines, customers care about price, quality, delivery times, and service. At UGE WindTurbines, we offer one of the best overall packages available.
UGE WindTurbines was formed in response to the high demand/low supply environment for large wind turbines. While the most well known manufacturers offer delivery times of two to four years, we provide wind turbines up to 2MW in as little as six months.
How Do We Do It?
While there have been few new wind turbine manufacturers set up in North America and Europe in recent years, there have been several created in Asia. UGE has performed due diligence on several such manufacturers to find the highest quality manufacturers. We offer these products to our customers around the world.
Typically our suppliers have the following characteristics:
A long tradition of manufacturing other complex products
Modern facilities
Technology licensed from, or developed in collaboration with, European manufacturers or wind turbine technology specialists
Certified wind turbines for IEC Class I, II, and III sites
Competitive prices
Fastest delivery times

Advantages and Disadvantages

Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.
Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.
The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.
Wind farms can be tourist attractions.
A good method of supplying energy to remote areas.

The wind is not always predictable - some days have no wind.
Suitable areas for wind farms are often near the coast, where land is expensive.
Some people feel that covering the landscape with these towers is unsightly.
Can kill birds - migrating flocks tend to like strong winds.However, this is rare, and we tend not to build wind farms on migratory routes anyway.
Can affect television reception if you live nearby.
Can be noisy. Wind generators have a reputation for making a constant, low, "swooshing" noise day and night, which can drive you nuts.Having said that, as aerodynamic designs have improved modern wind farms are much quieter. A lot quieter than, say, a fossil fuel power station; and wind farms tend not to be close to residential areas anyway. The small modern wind generators used on boats and caravans make hardly any sound at all.


The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas, at the tops of rounded hills, open plains and gaps in mountains - places where the wind is strong and reliable. Some are offshore.
To be worthwhile, you need an average wind speed of around 25 km/h. Most wind farms in the UK are in Cornwall or Wales.

Isolated places such as farms may have their own wind generators. In California, several "wind farms" supply electricity to homes around Los Angeles.
The propellors are large, to extract energy from the largest possible volume of air. The blades can be angled to "fine" or "coarse" pitch, to cope with varying wind speeds, and the generator and propellor can turn to face the wind wherever it comes from. Some designs use vertical turbines, which don't need to be turned to face the wind.
The towers are tall, to get the propellors as high as possible, up to where the wind is stronger. This means that the land beneath can still be used for farming.

How it works

The Sun heats our atmosphere unevenly, so some patches become warmer than others.
These warm patches of air rise, other air blows in to replace them - and we feel a wind blowing.
We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower, with a large propellor on the top.
The wind blows the propellor round, which turns a generator to produce electricity.