Sunday, March 15, 2009

The World’s Largest Wind Power Company by Installed Capacity

IBERDROLA RENOVABLES is a world leader of its sector. Boasting the largest base of operational renewable assets (over 9,300 MW) and the largest portfolio of future projects in the world (over 55,000 MW*), the company has consolidated its leadership position at the head of the worldwide wind energy sector** with nearly 9,000 MW of installed power, at the end of 2008.
Furthermore, the Company has achieved production of 16,998 million Kilowatt hours (kWh), representing an increase of 71.1% over 2007.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES is a multinational company, operating in more 20 countries including the world markets with the greatest growth and development potential in this sector. The Company, one of the 10 leading firms in stock value of the Ibex-35, has become the fastest growing element of the IBERDROLA Group.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES business model is sufficiently flexible to enable it to adapt to fluctuating economic scenarios. It has the largest project pipeline in the sector, encompassing a geographically diversified. Its wind turbine supply contracts are scalable, enabling it to adapt its investment plan by optimizing its project portfolio.
The Company operates in markets with stable regulatory environments, with the bulk of revenue assured through long term contracts.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES competitive advantages, including geographic diversification, flexible wind turbine supply arrangements, a significant project pipeline and its financial strength, give it the ability to adapt investments should circumstances warrant, at all times maintaining its commitment to.
IBERDROLA RENOVABLES enjoys the support of IBERDROLA, one of the four largest electric companies in the world, who has made the Environment and sustainable development the key pillars of its future business strategy.
* Source: New Energy Finance.
** Includes a contribution of 10GW from Gamesa to joint venture companies following the strategic agreement between IBERDROLA RENOVABLES and Gamesa Energía.

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